Saturday, October 10, 2015

Enneagram Subtypes

The enneagram is a personality typing system based on sacred geometry. There are nine personality types around an enneagon. The nine types are: The Reformer, The Helper, The Achiever, The Individualist, The Investigator, The Loyalist, The Enthusiast, The Challenger and The Peacemaker. Within those nine types, there are many enneagram subtypes. Check out the website: for articles on subtypes. Each type has a wing on the other side of it. For instance, an enneagram type 1 could have a wing at 9 or 2. Then, each type has an instinctual variant. There are three instinctual subtypes: social, one-on-one and survival. All together there are 54 subtypes within the enneagram. This makes the enneagram personality typing system very dynamic and complex, and also very interesting. 

Below is a list of the enneagram wings and subtypes with a description. You can see specific famous enneagram examples of each subtype at

54 Enneagram Subtypes with Adjectives:
1. The Social Reformer: Social 1 with a 9 wing
2. The Reverent One: One-on-one 1 with a 9 wing
3. The Quiet Perfectionist: Survival 1 with a 9 wing
4. The Public Do-Gooder: Social 1 with a 2 wing
5. The Helpful Perfectionist: One-on-one 1 with a 2 wing
6. The General: Survival 1 with a 2 wing
7. Father Christmas: Social 2 with a 1 wing
8. The Giving Poet: One-on-one 2 with a 1 wing
9. The Servant: Survival 2 with a 1 wing
10. The Host: Social 2 with a 3 wing
11.The Benevolent Giver: One-on-one 2 with a 3 wing
12. The Benefactor: Survival 2 with a 3 wing
13. The Social Butterfly: Social 3 with a 2 wing
14. The Star: One-on-one 3 with a 2 wing
15. The Hero: Survival 3 with a 2 wing
16. The Socialite: Social 3 with a 4 wing
17. The Artistic Achiever: One-on-one 3 with a 4 wing
18. The Icon: Survival 3 with a 4 wing
19. The Involved Artist: Social 4 with a 3 wing
20. The Special One: One-on-one 4 with a 3 wing
21. The Dramatic Romantic: Survival 4 with a 3 wing
22. The Cool Creative: Social 4 with a 5 wing
23. The Romantic Poet: 4 with a 5 wing
24. The Beatnik: Survival 4 with a 5 wing
25. The Public Sage: Social 5 with a 4 wing
26. The Expressive Observer: One-on-one 5 with a 4 wing
27. The Creative Watcher: Survival 5 with a 4 wing
28. The Puzzle Solver: Social 5 with a 6 wing
29. The Intense Intellectual: One-on-one 5 with a 6 wing
30. The Lone Wolf: Survival 5 with a 6 wing
31. The Reporter: Social 6 with a 5 wing
32. The Quiet Questioner: One-on-one 6 with a 5 wing
33. The Silent Leader: Survival 6 with a 5 wing
34. The Pal: Social 6 with a 7 wing
35. The Everyman: One-on-one 6 with a 7 wing
36. The Strong Custodian: Survival 6 with a 7 wing
37. The Aloof Comedian: Social 7 with a 6 wing
38. The Joker: One-on-one 7 with a 6 wing
39. The Commentator: Survival 7 with a 6 wing
40. The Cool Bull: Social 7 with an 8 wing
41. The Gusto Epicurean: One-on-one 7 with an 8 wing
42. The Bulldog: Survival 7 with an 8 wing
43. The Casual Combater: Social 8 with a 7 wing
44. The Chairman of the Board: One-on-one 8 with a 7 wing
45. The Radical Challenger: Survival 8 with a 7 wing
46. The Friendly Bear: Social 8 with a 9 wing
47. The Manly Man: One-on-one 8 with a 9 wing
48. The Chief: Survival 8 with a 9 wing
49. The Gentle Giant: Social 9 with an 8 wing
50. The Active Peacemaker: One-on-one 9 with an 8 wing
51. The Peaceful Warrior: Survival 9 with an 8 wing
52. The Peaceful Advocate: Social 9 with a 1 wing
53. The Idealistic Dreamer: One-on-one 9 with a 1 wing
54. The Visionary: Survival 9 with a 1 wing

Study the list and become familiar with each subtype. In time you will learn how to recognize these types in your life. It's very important to understand and know that the enneagram isn't just nine personality types. It's a much larger system. The subtypes also make people appear to be types they are not. For instance, survival subtypes, especially types 3 and 6, often appear to be type 8 due to being more combative. Because they are more casual and aloof, social subtypes often appear to be type 9. People's enneagram wings can also make them appear to be the wing type. For instance, a famous survival enenagram type 7 with a 6 wing is Larry David. He appears to almost be a 6 at first glance. This is due to his wing. Another person is Andy Warhol. He is a one-on-one 5 with a 4 wing who appears to be a 4. Understanding the wings and subtypes will make people easier to understand and type. It deepens your knowledge of the enneagram.